The post below is from Mr. Poellot who is leading the Vannes delegation:
Today was the first official day at the school for both students and teachers. We were treated to a welcome breakfast followed by a tour of the campus by school Director, Monsieur Manuel Krzyzosiak. The campus is composed of numerous buildings which house classrooms, boarding rooms, offices, a library, and cafeterias. We were especially interested to see the instructional areas for cuisine arts and medical technologies. In addition, the students enjoyed seeing the rooms which the school’s approximately 250 boarders occupy. Each student has a small but functional room and shares a bathroom with one other person. The boarding school is only one year old, and the St. Angela Merici chapel was renovated at the same time as it sits right next to boarding facility.
The students attended classes with their host sisters for the remainder of the morning while the teachers dealt with figuring out the wifi connection. After lunch on campus, the group departed on foot for a tour of the oldest part of Vannes, the walled area surrounding St. Peter’s Cathedral. Our guide provided details on the various defense systems built into the wall, the different phases of its construction beginning with the Romans, and the importance of the cathedral in medieval times. She also explained the reasons behind the ways in which the medieval buildings were constructed before taking us to the city hall located outside the older section of the city. The students partook in the wonderful French pastime of enjoying a snack and coffee from a boulangerie, after which we returned to campus to depart to host families for the evening. It was quite a day in Brittany!

Thank you for chaperoning our girls and for posting!