Friday, June 26, 2015

Welcome to England!

After a 3 hour delay at DFW, our enthusiastic UA delegation arrived in London on Thursday afternoon. The group was tired but in no way defeated. Our UK host sisters were eagerly awaiting their arrival and were ready with lots of hugs, posters and big plans for the week.

Today was the first full day for our group in England and they are already blending into the local culture, riding the tube and finding their way around London.

Our first outing was to the National Theatre for a lesson in the Comedia Del’Arte.  The students were able to bond with their English sisters as they did improv, warm-up exercises, and acted out several of the classic Comedia Del’Arte characters. We are proud to report that ALL of our UA students were enthusiastic and embraced every challenge (no matter how embarrassing).  Well done, girls!  

Tonight the students are back with their host families and the teachers are attending the Sports Dinner at the school.  The weather has been beautiful and everyone remains in excellent spirits. Cheers from London!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the photos. A picture with all the smiles is definitely worth 1000 words.
